Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wednesday, December 20

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today. We didn't get to as much of the work as I was hoping, but it was for a good reason - the students were putting so much effort into their Secret Santa cards. The messages they wrote, and the care they put into choosing what to draw, and even what colours to use, was really heartwarming. 

We also did some whole-school carolling, and had Music. 

We started watching A Muppet Christmas Carol, which has become something of a Christmas tradition. We'll be watching it tomorrow as well, and wrapping up on Friday, so its only about ~25-30 minutes each day. This approach lets us have lots of class discussions, and ensures the students are comprehending what they're watching - it'd be a shame to rush a story this good.

This year, we're connecting A Christmas Carol to our exploration of journaling techniques, and the students are doing some "Event map Journaling" to capture the main events and characters.

Here are a few pictures of what we've been working on:

Please send your socks to school for our Sock Exchange on Friday! 

Have a nice night,


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