Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday, December 7

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! 

The students continued to work on their paragraph planning, and most students were able to finish their plans completely. Concluding sentences were challenging but we got there. 

We met up with our buddy class, and did some Buddy Reading in the library. The students read Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah books from or shelf displays, as well as books from the shelves that they picked out themselves.

Today's spelling quiz was fantastic. I could not believe how many students were able to spell necessary, determine, and government. Usually Sight Word lists are the hardest, but this week, the students did better than ever. Thanks for all your support with studying at home!

We had our first French lesson today. We learned about France from a book on Epic, and then we learned to say bonjour and au revoir.

We ended our day with a practice Lockdown drill, a bit of Rover's Story, Music, and some Daily LA.

There is no school tomorrow! Stayed tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


Also... This is a message about our upcoming Food Drive. :)

Hello families,


In the spirit of building community and gratitude we are hosting a food drive at LBS. If you are able, please send in any non-perishable food items for donation to the Calgary Food Bank. We invite families to bring their donations to the Winter Solstice event next Thursday evening. LBS will be collecting donations until Friday December 15.

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