Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday, December 1

 Hi parents and happy Friday,

This morning, many kids chose to rewrite the math quiz. Due to a photocopying error it ended up being the same version as last time, but I don't think the kids realized that so I don't think it ended up giving them any advantage... 

There will still be time for additional rewrites for anyone who is interested! 

We had our spelling quiz, and then met up with our buddy class, to give them feedback on their writing. We also helped them use a thesaurus website (Word Hippo) to find more interesting adjectives to spice things up. I hope that through helping their buddies, the students in Room 6 started thinking about how they can do the same things for their own writing.

We went outside and played Buddy Kickball.

Then, we learned about Alberta. We talked about the many different landscapes and regions, and read accounts from kids who live all across the province. We discussed which place seemed like it would be the most fun to live in.

We ended our day with a bit of "A Rover's Story". We're starting to think about how we can build our own rover models, and what those models would need to include.

Have a nice weekend!


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