Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday, November 8

 Hi parents,

We had a much better day today. From my experience that's pretty much always how it goes. 

In the morning, Mr. Wade (our student teacher) read the class a book called "Greenie the Wheat King". It's a beautifully illustrated simple story that celebrates grain elevators and Alberta's landscape. The students wrote in their journals about whether they felt grain elevators should be preserved, or torn down, now that they're not really useful anymore.

Rooms 7 and 8 put on a perfect Remembrance Day assembly, and the students listened and participated with exceptional respect and compassion. Thank you to everyone who donated to our school's Essential Items drive - look how it turned out!

In math, we revisited the problem from yesterday, about the bag of marbles. The students were much more confident this time around, now that they had a few strategies to try. We talked again about how important perseverance is when solving math problems, and how often our first attempt will be unsuccessful, and that's okay. 

To further make this point, I gave the class some "math mash-up" problems. These problems are an awesome way to force students to think outside the box, and they're usually pretty fun too.

In the afternoon, we did some research on tanks. Learning about different vehicles, and wheels in particular, is part of our science curriculum, so our focus was around the question of why tanks have 'tracks' instead of just regular wheels. Students did an awesome just with this one - we're going to write some paragraphs with these notes next week!

We ended our day with the spelling quiz. I didn't have a chance to mark them yet unfortunately.

I don't think we'll do spelling words for next week, it's just too short.

Enjoy the November Break - until next Wednesday!


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Pajama Day - March 14