Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Wednesday, November 22

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. The students are using their morning work period time a bit better, but I think they need more practice with being 'problem solvers'. Many students will get stuck on one problem, for example, and just sit there feeling frustrated, rather than skipping it, or taking out a different work choice that they still need to complete. But all things considered, I'd say we're getting back on the right track.

In math, the students put their addition and subtraction skills to the ultimate test - word problems. There will be a few word problems on the quiz next week. The Grade 4s did an awesome ob with their decimal math word problems, and the Grade 3s showed a strong understanding of big numbers.

We learned about the word and concept of 'Empathy' today. The students wrote responses to their choice of three empathy-related prompts. We're going to be making anonymous cards tomorrow to be shared with some community members who are going through tough times. I hope our empathy work helps the students put some extra thought into this task!

In the afternoon, we talked more about the Montessori concept of Peace Education. The students did a 'Photography' challenge, where they staged and took photos that they felt captured the idea of peace in the Montessori classroom. These will be up on display tomorrow for conferences!

Please book your conference if you have not already done so. And remember that tomorrow is also our spelling quiz. :)

Have a nice night,


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