Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wednesday, November 15

 Hi parents,

I hope everyone enjoyed their November Break. We had a good day back at school today. In the morning, the students revisited the notes they took last week about tanks, and used these notes to write paragraphs with topic sentences, concluding sentences, and plenty of factual information.

In math, we worked on "missing number" addition and subtraction. This has been a sizeable challenge for the class. Its been tough for them to know how and when to 'rewrite' a problem to make it easier to solve - for example, thinking of the problem "36 + __ = 92" as if it were "92 - 36 = ___".

Math Quiz - Addition and Subtraction - Nov. 22

We will be having another math quiz on November 22, focusing on Addition and Subtraction. It will be on content we've covered in class, and I'll post more detailed information soon about what kinds of questions to expect.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA and Music. We talked about the Montessori value of "Peace Education", and how to have a successful Peace Talk to solve a conflict.

We ended our day by previewing the cover of our upcoming novel study, on "A Rover's Story". The students sketched the cover, paying close attention to subtle details, and wrote three questions they had about the story.

Have a nice night!


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