Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thursday, November 2

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today. In the morning, we reviewed the concepts of 'topics sentences' and 'concluding sentences' in paragraphs. I gave the students pre-written 'detail sentences', and it was their job to read through them determine the 'main idea', and write an appropriate topic and concluding sentence. This was a really challenging task for the class. It's tough because I feel like they often do their best writing with less direction, and when presented with a very structured task like this one, they end up writing kind of robotically...

In math, we worked on mixed addition and subtraction equations, with and without regrouping. This exercise was a perfect way to test whether students really understood the algorithms, and when to use them, and I'm happy to report that the answer is a resounding 'mostly yes.' They might even be ready for a math quiz next week!

On that note - our spelling quiz is tomorrow. 

In the month of October, we focused on the Montessori tenet of community and belonging at LBS. Here are some simple ways to encourage belonging and promote community beyond the school walls.

Stay tuned to learn more about the Montessori tenet we're focusing on this month!

Have a nice night,


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