Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday, November 17

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, we had a bonus Music class, and then we worked on topic sentences. 

Our paragraph writing work is coming along slowly. It's been a challenge for sure. We started to work on compound sentences today, which was also a struggle. So I'm going to assign some homework to hopefully start students off on the right foot for next week!

Blog Homework - Creating a Compound Sentence (+2 Table Points)

Convert the three simple sentences into a single 'compound sentence', that includes all the same information.

1. Calgary is a city.

2. Calgary is in Alberta.

3. Calgary has a population of 1.3 million.

In math, we worked more on Fact families. There was definite improvement in this area from yesterday! This time, I gave the students equations, and asked them to write the corresponding number facts. For example:

340 + 626 = 966

Then the students would write:

626 + 340 = 966

 966 - 340 = 626

966 - 626 = 340

We played kickball outside. It was an awesome tie game!

We ended our day by reading A Rover's Story.

Have a nice weekend,


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