Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Wednesday, October 4

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today! The students met Mr. Wade, who is starting his practicum as a student teacher in our classroom. He'll be reading with students and teaching lessons on Wednesdays. 

We did a writing activity where the students responded to quotes from Maria Montessori about hands-on learning. They mostly wrote about why hands are important.

We learned about the 'hundred thousands' place, using the Montessori place value blocks. This material is awesome because it accurately captures the scale of 1:100,000 - which is otherwise pretty difficult to visualize!

We did some spelling practice as a class. I'm optimistic for the quiz on Friday because students were even able to spell gorgeous correctly.

In the afternoon, the class went to Music. We did Daily LA, and worked more on our math game, dungeon dice.

Thank you to everyone who did the blog homework last night! I'm still accepting submissions!

Have a nice night,


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