Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tuesday, October 24

 Hi parents,

We had a much better day today. In the morning, students worked on phase 2 of their paragraph planning task. We studied the "paragraph sandwich" analogy. Just as a sandwich is made complete by two buns, a paragraph needs a topic sentence, and a concluding sentence. The cheese, lettuce, bacon, etc. are the details. We talked about how its important to start a paragraph by introducing the big idea, before moving into the more specific details. 

The students did an awesome job filling in their paragraph sandwich graphic organizers. Tomorrow we'll start writing them officially.

In math, the students worked on addition worksheets while I did individual golden bead lessons. They've got the hang of it for the most part. Next week we'll move on toe subtraction regrouping, which is unfortunately much, much harder.

We played pillow polo in gym, which is a fun game that is similar to floor hockey, but with soft q-tip looking sticks. 

In the afternoon, we had Daily LA and music, and the students worked on their Art Card artwork.

Have a nice night,


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Tuesday, March 11

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we zeroed in on one of the common issues students faced with their paragr...