Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday, October 19

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today. In the morning, we had our spelling quiz, and then spent an hour finishing up pumpkin projects. Just about every group was able to finish, and I think the students learned quite a bit about pumpkins, and plants in general. They also built skills for group work and research which will serve them well through the rest of the year.

In math, we used the golden beads to show the concept of regrouping in larger numbers. We talked abut how "carrying the one" is really just exchanging 10 in one place value spot with 1 of the next place value spot, whether you're exchanging 10 ones for a ten, or 10 hundreds for 1000, it's all the same basic concept.

We played kickball in gym with our new kickball teams, which seem to be really evenly matched. Sportsmanship and team spirit were both excellent. The blue team is still unnamed.

In the afternoon, we worked on our Art Card good copies, did Daily LA, and the students went to Music.

There is no school tomorrow, so stay tuned for next week's spelling words and have a great weekend!


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 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we started one of my all-time favourite projects - it's a personal No...