Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday, October 30

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today, maybe a bit less productive than I would've hoped, but I think that's just the pre-Halloween energy.

In the morning, the class wrote in their journals. They had the option to write about their weekend, their halloween costume, or their favourite halloween tradition.

In math, we've continued to learn about regrouping, but now we're moving into subtraction. Using regrouping in subtraction is one of the hardest, if not the hardest thing students learn in math until Grade 5. That being said, I think all our work around place value has helped students feel more comfortable. It's kind of the opposite of addition regrouping, where the objective is to exchange ones for tens. With subtraction, we exchange a group of ten for 10 ones. 

The golden beads make it make sense.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, and then we learned a bit about the history of Halloween from a funny youtube video. 

Tomorrow is Halloween!

Please see the image below for information. We've got a lot of fun, yet shockingly educational things planned, and we hope you can make it to the school for the Halloween Parade at 1:00pm!

Have a nice night,


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