Monday, October 2, 2023

Monday, October 2

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today - and it was so awesome that everyone was able to be here for picture day. It feels like it's been a few years since I've had a class photo with everyone in it.

The morning was pretty exciting for Room 6 as the students received the special prize they'd earned last month through table points:

That's right, we have classroom pets! They are guppies (and one catfish).

The students spent a lot of time watching them and naming them, and in the coming weeks we'll study them and learn more about their life cycles.

In math, we continued to delve into 'place value', and learned about the 'ten thousands' place. We learned that 'ten thousand' can also be shown as a large rectangular prism - which is basically a stack of 10 cubes. We used the Golden Beads to show this rectangular prism, and then the students worked on representing some very large numbers.

In the afternoon, we had Daily LA, Music, and mindfulness. 

Have a nice night,


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