Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday, October 27

 Hi parents,

Today was a great way to wrap up our week. The students had a lot of time to finish up their writing, art, and 'plant fashion' work. 

Our focus was editing. The students had a full 35 minutes to edit and revise their paragraphs. They read their work aloud, and listened to their peers reading it aloud too, and tried to areas for revision. They also scanned for spelling mistakes, capitalization issues, and punctuation problems.

Some students used this time really well. Others decided it was perfect already and got a bit silly. I'm not going to fault anyone for that, because again, we haven't really learned effective editing and revision strategies yet, so I'm not expecting them to all be experts! That's what we'll be doing over the next few weeks.

We went outside to play kickball. It was a blast. It's a very different game in the snow. We'll be going outside for gym every Friday, unless it's a blue day, so please make sure your child has gloves and boots. Snowpants are always a plus too.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


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