Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wednesday, September 13

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty great day today. In the morning, we revisited the 'scoop sentence' lesson from yesterday, and talked about how its good to include sentences of a wide variety of different lengths when writing paragraphs. Even though it may be tempting to make every sentence long and detailed, it's usually better to throw in a few short, simple sentences, and medium length sentences, to keep things interesting. The students wrote short paragraphs about a topic of their choice, using single, double, and triple scoop sentences.

In math, we continued to work on rounding. It's been a bit of a struggle. I think we may have moved a bit too fast, and now we need to slow down and really work through the concepts. Practicing rounding at home will always be helpful :)

We reread the book about Maria Montessori, and focused on the idea of the moveable alphabet. The students worked in groups to make their own 'moveable'-style words. They did an awesome job cooperating and completing the project in ways that were creative and unique.

In the afternoon, we made official kickball teams ('Green Evees' and 'Red Pandas'), and played a game a of kickball outside. I think its really beneficial for students to get to experience being on a team with their classmates - it can lead to new friendships and stronger connections, as well as giving the students the opportunity to win as a team, lose as a team, and do so with grace.

Have a nice night!


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