Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday, September 21

 Hi parents,

Today was an interesting day for our class, and a good one. Our walking field trip plan had to change last-minute, because when we arrived at Lake Wapta Park, we found a big crew of tree-removal vehicles and workers. This ended up being pretty cool to watch actually. A big thank you to Ms. Cooper for explaining the sketching activity over the sound of chainsaws and woodchippers, and students talking excitedly about chainsaws and woodchippers.

The crew later brought in a big bin of tree cookies from the trees that were cut down, and the students had an opportunity to look at them up close. It was really cool!

We did some work on rounding to the nearest thousand when we got back. 

We also did the spelling quiz.

In the afternoon, we did the annual "September Numeracy Assessment", which is a government assessment that we started doing a couple years back to see how covid had affected students' math abilities. I think it went really well. I haven't checked over them yet, but in general, students seemed to have a more positive attitude, as well as more stamina, compared to previous years.

We ended our day with a big classroom cleanup. We're excited for the Open House and BBQ!

I hope to see you soon!


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