Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday, September 11

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! Our Mondays often end up following a similar kind of pattern.

The students start out with Morning Math, where they practice basic facts, or other concepts related to what we're currently focusing on in math. We have a sharing circle every Monday morning as well, where the students have an opportunity to share whatever they want with their classmates. Usually we talk about what we did on the weekend, but it's pretty open-ended.

We always do journal writing on Monday mornings too. The students usually have the choice between writing about their weekends, or doing a different writing prompt. Today's alternate prompt was writing about a favourite toy.

Another classic "Monday Activity" that we did today was spelling practice. On Monday, we usually have an explicit lesson that goes over the weekly words and teaches the 'tricks' and word patterns. Of course this week the only trick is practice - we did have a good discussion about why it's important to learn sight words though.

In math, we continued to work on naming huge numbers, into the millions. The students worked on writing written numbers (for example, seven hundred fifteen), as numerals, and vice-versa.

We ended our morning with gym. Due to excessive screaming we had to run laps instead of playing tag the whole time.

In the afternoon, we had Music, Daily LA, and more work period. For Daily LA, we focused on creative writing, and brainstormed a list of ways we can use writing. The class followed their hearts and did some creative writing that they chose themselves.

At the end of the day, I sent home some important forms and a calendar for this year's PD Days, breaks, etc. Please fill out those forms and send them back soon!

Have a nice night!


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Monday, March 10

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today - lots of kids away though!  Much of our day was spent learning about pulleys. And the best way ...