Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday, September 15

Happy Dot Day!

This morning, the students continued to work on their Dot Writing tasks from yesterday. The students have really put a lot of work into these so I thought I'd show off a few:

We had our spelling quiz, which definitely was harder than last week's, but was still pretty good. Sight words are always trickier. For most weeks, I'll just throw a few of them in, and the rest of the words will focus on a specific spelling pattern.

 We did some Dot artwork, using Q-tips and paint. Students used the q-tips to make tons of colourful dots in whatever style they chose.

We went outside for a kickball game for PE, and it was nice to see more teamwork and strategy emerging from both teams - the Ghost Evees, and the Red Pandas.

We did a very brief place value check-in, and talked about rounding to the nearest hundred, and how this skill is similar to and different from rounding to the nearest ten, which the students have mostly mastered now.

We ended our day with Music. :)

Have a nice weekend!


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