Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday, June 16

 Hi parents,

We had an awesome week! It was incredibly busy. The next two weeks are going to be a breeze by comparison

Sharing Assembly - Big Success!

We spent the first of the week practicing for our sharing assembly, which was on Thursday. It went super well. The students did a great job singing "Count on Me", and the shadow puppet show turned out just great.

You can watch the video here, and put your child on the spot by asking them to sing along!

Sports Day - "Just Like The Old Days!"

It truly was a classic sports day. Perfect weather, plenty of fun stations, and lots of smiling faces. The kids loved being able to explore the stations on their own or with friends from other classes. We ended the day with a Teachers vs. Grade 6 Kickball Game. Teachers proved that growing up in the 80s and 90s truly does build excellent kickball skills. But the Grade 6s played really well too!

French Party - "Postponed AGAIN"

This time it was postponed due to a sever baguette and croissant shortage at superstore. They also didn't have any Quiche. And, the assembly day was just so busy, there wouldn't have been time to do it justice. So the new date is Monday, June 19

90's Thursday "The Raddest Spirit Day of the Year"

On Thursday, June 22, we will have a 90's themed spirit day. Parents, please help your children dress appropriately for this day. We will also be doing some 90's pop culture trivia (name the actor, etc.) so maybe help your child brush up on those skills as well.

Spelling Quiz - "Nope"

Our week was one of the busiest in LBS history. There was virtually no time to practice for spelling in class, and certainly no time to have a quiz today, so we will be having a quiz on the same words next Friday instead.

Science - "Loose Parts Wanted!"

We are about to start a very fun Science unit: "Wheels and Levers". Students will eventually be building simple machines that would help people in historic Alberta (think "What would help Sam and his family on their farm in 'Ticket to Curlew'). If you have cardboard, string, tape, or building materials at home that you'd like to donate to this cause, please send them to school with your child next week! 

Math - "Still Graphing"

We've been doing more graphing but are just about done now.

Have a nice weekend!


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