Monday, May 15, 2023

Monday, May 15

 Hi parents,

Today we learned more about fossils and fossil fuels. We also sorted rock specimens by colour, texture, lustre, and type. 

We started working on a three part writing prompt, which is essentially an updated version of the 'snack writing' task we did earlier in the year. The hope is, by comparing the two tasks, it will be easy to see the growth that students have made in their writing this year. 

This writing task is a bit more flexible, as it challenges students to write about 'their favourite _____'. This could be a part of nature, an activity, a pet, or anything else. While the task is broader, the expectations are the same - write a detailed paragraph with lots of engaging vocabulary!

In the afternoon, we played Netball once again, and then we learned about simplifying fractions. The students had no idea what I was talking about until they started using the Montessori materials, and then it made sense. Or more sense, anyway. 

We ended our day with Daily LA.

I will only be updating the Blog on Fridays from now on!  

At least until the end of May. This is because our next few weeks are looking incredibly busy. We've got a sharing assembly coming up, and a bunch of other stuff, and I want to make sure I stay on top of it and we end the year on a high note. I will send a School Messenger when Daily Blogs return. :)

Have a nice week!


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Monday, March 10

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today - lots of kids away though!  Much of our day was spent learning about pulleys. And the best way ...