Thursday, May 4, 2023

May the Fourth (be with you)

 Hi parents,

Today was a pretty good day for our class, although the heat is definitely taking a bit of a toll. The students have been calling out quite a bit which has had a negative effect on our discussions and lessons.

In the morning, we did yet another mad minute practice, and then half the class worked with our buddies, while the other half worked on a special "growth & life cycles" project.

The students wrote good copies for their prairie haikus! I can't believe how quickly they came together. Many students took risks and used metaphors, similes, and unique descriptive words in creative ways.

We learned about minerals today. We learned that rocks are formed from minerals, and that certain minerals are rare, while others are very common.

In the afternoon, we had Gym and Mindfulness, and finished the mineral book we'd started earlier.

Please Send Back NETBALL Forms! We're starting on Monday and your child will not be able to participate without a form!

Tomorrow is a PD day - so have a wonderful weekend, and stay tuned for next week's spelling words.


PS: Star Wars: A New Hope starts tonight at Canyon Meadows Cinema!

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Wednesday, March 12

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we started one of my all-time favourite projects - it's a personal No...