Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday, February 6

 Hello families,

Today was another good day in Room 4 as per usual, but we did switch up some of our Monday routines. 

Instead of writing in their journals, students continued to work on their Little Prince chapters. We talked about 'dialogue', which is a fairly advanced writing concept, but I believe the class took enough away from the lesson to help improve their writing. The Little Prince is a largely dialogue-driven story, so I'd like the students' chapters to reflect that.

In Math, we learned about the concept of Area. Students drew rectangles in their math books and determined the area, either by counting the squares on the grid paper, or by using multiplication. We talked about the concept of 'square centimetres' as well. Another math concept newly added to the curriculum that the class seemed more than ready to take on.

We talked about compound words, and brainstormed a list of them. Some students had a chance to practice their spelling words but others didn't quite get to it. 

In the afternoon, we had Music, and then watched this video about the sixth sacred teaching - "Humility". We had a great class discussion about how humility basically means being humble, and understanding that you are no better or worse than anyone else. I think it's important for students to understand that you can be humble while still being self-confident. We also talked about how being able to laugh at your mistakes is a great way to practice humility.

We ended our day with Daily 5, and by reading the actual Little Prince. He just met the snake, who is quite an ominous yet poetic character. There's some really awesome dialogue in Chapter 17. 

Have a nice night,


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