Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday, February 24

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! The spelling quiz went better than I expected. In social studies, we continued to learn about Tunisia, and turned our focus to the climate, clothing, and modes of  transportation commonly found there.

We did a fun "Flower Dissection" activity today. The Kindergarten students had brought me some flowers for Valentines day, and they were starting to get pretty withered, so it seems like a good opportunity to revisit our exploration of plants (which is kind of a full-year, on-and-off sort of science unit). The students used magnifying glasses to examine the flowers more closely, and even got to carefully cut the flowers to inspect individual structures.

We read a good amount of the Little Prince today, which was nice, and the students promised that they would re-read the novel on their own in 5 years. And then again in 10 years. So please hold them to that promise.

We had enough time for Daily LA, and then our day was done.

Have a nice weekend!


A long, long, time ago, in a country far, far, away...
Yes this is in Tunisia.

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