Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday, February 10

 Hi parents,

So I may have overreacted a bit to my thumb injury. It's a lot better today and no excuse for skipping blog updates.

We had a fun day today in Room 4. In the morning, we got to visit a different kind of sharing assembly put on by the students in Rooms 16 and 17 (Grades 5 / 6), who set up displays around the gym and taught our class about their experiences from City Hall School. Their main message was that you are never too young or too old to make a positive change.

The spelling quiz seemed to go pretty well although I have not had a chance to mark them yet.

Mr. Ripka came to volunteer today and the students had a great time catching up with him. He also did an amazing job holding down the fort during Work Period, which gave me a perfect opportunity to talk through next steps with some students about their Little Prince chapters. We've discussed the possibility of turning them into Stop Motion films!

Our collaboratively created math game, Dungeon Dice, was finally unveiled to the class, and the students had a lot of fun with it. There are already plans for an 'expansion pack' in the works to add even more twists and math skills.

Valentines Day - Tuesday, February 14

On Tuesday, we will have having our Valentines Day celebration! If you are sending your child with Valentines (which is of course optional), please make sure there are enough for our whole class of 23 students! We will also be watching Gnomeo and Juliet over the course of the week, for roughly 30 minutes each day, and doing some work around that, as it is a literary classic that deserves to be analyzed through a scholarly lens. Finally, we will be making more detailed Valentines cards in the classroom too, most likely for our younger buddies. So whether you choose to bring Valentines Cards or not, it will be a special day for everyone.

Have a nice weekend,


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Pajama Day - March 14