Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thursday, January 19

 Hi parents,

Today we continued working on multiplication tables, and practiced skip-counting by 6's. At this point, the students have established a pretty solid understanding of multiplication, and are ready to start building on accuracy and fluency. Even just taking one minute every night to go over one of the skip-counting patterns could make a difference. We usually stop at 12 repetitions. 

We learned about 'possessive nouns' in writing today. The students wrote sentences to show their understanding of how apostrophes can be used to show ownership within a sentence, for example, "The boy's shoes", "The girl's idea", "James' toy".

In math, we looked at some more advanced perimeter word problems. You could try these at home too! 

Here's an easy example:

"A rectangular table is 100cm wide and 200cm long. What is the perimeter of the table?"

And a harder variation of the same problem:

"The perimeter of a rectangular table is 600cm. It is 100cm wide. How long is the table?"

We continued to learn about the Seven Sacred Teachings, with a focus on the first teaching - "Respect". We learned why the bison represents respect to indigenous peoples, and how we can show respect to others, ourselves, and the world around us.

We ended our day with Daily LA.

Have a nice night,


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Thursday, February 6

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the students reviewed the many shape terms we've learned over the past few ...