Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thursday, January 12

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, we learned about the "sandwich approach" to writing paragraphs. This involves creating paragraphs with a topic sentence (top bun), three supporting arguments / pieces of relevant information (the sandwich ingredients), and a conclusion sentence (bottom bun). The students wrote simple paragraphs superimposed over sandwich sketches to really drive the message home.

We also learned about the differences between 'regular' and 'irregular' polygons. While both types of polygons must be closed shapes made from only straight lines, in order for a polygon to be 'regular' it must have all equal sides and angles. So a square, equilateral triangle, equilateral hexagon, etc. are regular while most other shapes are not.

The class did a few backwards multiplication problems that involved taking an array, and writing the equation that matches it.

We ended our day with a Little Prince art lesson, and then some read-aloud time.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz - have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14