Monday, January 9, 2023

Monday, January 9

 Hi parents,

We had a great first day back at school. The students were excited about our temporary new classroom but still were able to fall quickly back into our familiar academic routines, like Morning Math, spelling practice, and journal writing.

As you can probably guess, today they wrote about their Winter Breaks. We also talked about goals for the new year.

We had a lesson on the differences between the 'f' and 'th' sounds. While this may seem pretty basic, it's actually a lot trickier than you'd expect, and it's often something students may not realize they're having difficulty with until they explicitly start focusing on the sounds and noticing the subtle differences.

We solved a multi-step multiplication word problem as a class, which was basically:

"A Pencil case costs $16. 

A) How much money would two pencil cases cost? 

B) How about three?"

The students had no trouble calculating the cost of two. But I was happy to see that to calculate the cost of three, many students just added another $16, rather than starting over at the beginning. 

We concluded our day with Music, Daily LA, and Gym.

Please remember to send back Indoor Shoes!

Have a nice night,


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