Monday, December 5, 2022

Monday, December 5

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good Monday today. In the morning, the students wrote in their journals, either about their weekends, or about their Christmas / Winter traditions. Students also had time to finish working on their money board games.

After writing, we had an opportunity to actually test out the board games, which for the most part went quite well! It was a great experience whether or not the games were fun / playable. I'm hoping the students have a chance to make adjustments accordingly.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA and gym, and also had a spelling lesson on the -ly suffix. We had a discussion that was pretty interesting as we noticed that -ly can also be added to certain nouns to create adjectives, as well as being able to turn adjectives into adverbs. For example, take "man" (noun), turn it into "manly" (adjective), which could hypothetically be turned into the bizarre made up adverb manlily to describe an action done in a manly way. Maybe there's a reason that word doesn't exist.

Art Cards were sent home at the end of the day! They look fantastic, thank you for all your orders!

Have a nice night,


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