Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday, December 19

 Hi parents,

Today was a bit of a crazy day, understandably, as the kids were cooped up inside all day, our gym is being painted so we can't do PE there,  and its the last week before Christmas. That being said it was still a pretty good day. 

The students did some great work with writing about their favourite Christmas / holiday movie. We started watching "The Muppet Christmas Carol", which is kind of an annual classroom tradition for me. I know some students have already seen at it home, or last year if they were in my class, but I feel like it's such a powerful and meaningful story that it helps to watch it more than once. I noticed students seemed more engaged in our discussion afterwards, and I think that comes as a result of them having a stronger understanding of plot and characters.

In math, we talked about 'times tables' and 'fact families', and how they can help us with multiplication. Take the problem 3 x 11 for example. That's a pretty though one. But, 3 x 10 is a pretty easy one. So we can use 30 as a starting point, and then just add one more group of 3 to find the answer to 3 x 11. 

In the afternoon, we had Music, indoor gym, and Daily LA. We are almost done reading Trapped in Transylvania. I don't know how I had it in my head that we could read it the week of Halloween. Maybe I need to read faster.

Have a nice night!


PS: Don't forget about our Holiday Spirit Week!

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