Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tuesday, November 15

 Hi parents,

We had another awesome day today. I was truly impressed by the students work ethic and dedication. In the morning, we had what is officially our last work period for Wish Tree dioramas (although students can still use responsible work choice time to finish them up), and the class also worked diligently to finish up their snack writing paragraphs. 

We then did a lesson on editing and revision. We talked about the obvious ways we can improve writing, such as fixing spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors, but we also examined some of the more subtle ways. For example, monitoring for repetitive sentence structure, and replacing generic, overused words such as 'good', 'happy', and 'like', with more interesting ones.

The end results were fantastic. Especially compared to last week's attempts, these are absolute gems. I think it will be fun for students to look back at their initial drafts and see how much they've improved, and I look forward to sharing this writing task at conferences.

In the afternoon, the students had Music, did Daily LA, played Pillow Polo in gym, and ended the day with Classroom of Doom. 

Our Math Quiz is on Thursday, November 17. If you're interested in studying at home, here are a couple sample questions you could try. Feel free to adjust them as well. These are roughly the same difficulty as what students will find on the quiz.

Grade 3)    2023 - 745 = ____            5301 - 1250 = ___          3258 + 1266 = ___

Grade 4)    152,023 - 2,745 = ____            455,301 - 21,250 = ___          103,258 + 71,266 = ___

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14