Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Tuesday, November 1

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today, and a busy one too.

In the morning, we did a full class math lesson on 2 digit subtraction with regrouping. It was great to see the concepts start to click for a few more students. Thank you to everyone who practiced a bit at home - I could immediately tell which students had practiced, as they had a completely different outlook than when we worked on the same stuff yesterday. Keep it up!! Just 2-3 problems a day is all it takes, and school will take care of the rest.

We did another 'subtraction check-in' later in the morning, and as expected, the results were better than yesterday's. :)

We finally finished Wish Tree! It had an awesome, touching ending. Now that we're officially done reading, we've started to do our summative project. We're just in the planning phase right now. We are discussing the setting, characters, and events, and creating pages to illustrate these. By doing this, students are able to review the story as a whole and select a scene to capture with their diorama project, which we will likely start later this week or early next.

In the afternoon, we had Music and Gym.

Then at the last part of our day, we listened to the song "Riding With Private Malone", by David Ball. If you haven't heard it, you should definitely give it a listen. It's a beautiful song with an amazing story. The lyrics are full of implication - they rarely explicitly say what's happening, so it's a fun one to discuss and ponder. 

I'd like to teach the class the song and see if we can record a version of it for Remembrance Day (just to make a video - we're not in the assembly). There are a lot of words though so that might be wishful thinking. 

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14