Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday, November 4

 Hi parents and happy Friday!

We had a great day today. In the morning, we had a class conversation about war, poppies, and Remembrance Day. We watched a video that talked about the history of the poppy. Teaching about poppies has become about 10x more difficult in 2022, because you can't find any decent videos without getting swamped by "Poppy Playtime" vids. Even just the thumbnails are scary.

The students created labelled diagrams of poppies in their sketchbooks. We compared them to the tree diagrams we'd been looking at previously. All plants have many things in common, regardless of how different they may look at face value.

We're still working on subtraction in math. But it's coming along.

In French, we learned some family words. The students wrote sentences using the format "Mon / ma ________ s'appelle ________" (for example, ", ma mere s'appelle Susan - my mother's name is Susan). They drew their families and labelled them in French.

We spent a lot of time outside, building structures and completing athletic challenges. 

We ended our day with the spelling quiz. Sadly I didn't have time to mark all of them. 

Stay tuned for next week's words, and have a nice weekend!


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