Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Tuesday, October 18

 Hi parents,

Today we talked about similes. Wish Tree is absolutely loaded with them. The students played "Roll a Simile", and wrote their own similes about various aspects of nature. We talked about how similes in poetry often force your brain to piece together new meanings for words - for example, "The river was as tangled and wild as vines in a jungle". Rivers don't really 'tangle' - but on some level, your brain still understands the meaning, and creates a really cool visual.

We continued to work on organizing and solving math equations by lining up place value.

In the afternoon, we had Music, and read more of Wish Tree. We learned about how Red became a Wish Tree - it turns out the 'Wish Tree' tradition originated in Ireland. We talked about other traditions and celebrations that originated in other places and over time, made their way to Canada.

Tomorrow is Book Exchange! I am also hoping to acquire more shoeboxes / similar sized boxes for an upcoming Wish Tree diorama project.

Have a nice night,


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