Thursday, October 6, 2022

Thursday, October 6

 Hi parents,

The kids had a great time today with Stuffy Day but were still able to do a full day's worth of hard work.

In the morning we had our spelling quiz and it went really well! I want to express a very sincere thank-you to all the students who work hard week after week to challenge themselves with spelling, rather than just sticking with the comfortable list. The spelling skills students develop through doing this are undoubtedly valuable, but the skills of perseverance, resilience, and dedication are equally as important - maybe even more so!

We continued to work on rounding today, and I noticed the students have made a lot of progress since the start of the week. Rounding with thousands continues to be difficult, but the tens and hundreds have become a lot more comfortable.

We talked about Major and Minor characters, and brainstormed examples from a variety of movies, books, and TV Shows. The students wrote about some of the major and minor characters in Wish Tree.

In the afternoon,  we did Daily LA, Gym, and met up with our buddies to play a game of Song-Go.

I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. I am incredibly thankful to have such a wonderful class that constantly makes me think, laugh, and look forward to coming to work. :)


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