Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday, October 21

Hi parents,

We made it through a five day week! I think this was the second full week we've had this whole year. 

The students did well on today's spelling quiz, and I was really happy to see that many of them who aced their quiz last week decided to move on to a higher difficulty level. That's what it's all about, even if it means getting a lower mark. The skills of persistence and resilience, however you may acquire them, are usually worth more than the skill you were practicing.  In my opinion.

We spent most of our morning doing research / writing project. Students are working in their table groups to create labelled posters that teach about deciduous and coniferous trees. They are dividing the task up so that each group member writes a paragraph for a different part of the tree. Then, they'll combine all their paragraphs to create an informative poster. Today all we did was write rough drafts of paragraphs.

We did Daily LA, played Song-Go, went outside for a body-break, and that was our day!

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, they will be spooky.

Have a nice weekend,


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