Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Wednesday, May 4

Hi parents,

Today was a good, but sad, day, as we said goodbye to Mrs. Fernandez. The students have been sneakily working all week on a surprise book for her, which has been so secret that I haven't even been able to post about it on the blog. Students chose whether to write a haiku about Mrs. Fernandez or to just write a paragraph about things they appreciated about her. The book turned out really nice. I'm so impressed by how much work the students put into it and how thoughtful their ideas were - it's easy to see what a positive impact Mrs. Fernandez had on our classroom. We will miss her very much!

 But that's not the only interesting thing we did today. We also got to finish our Starburst rock cycle experiment, which we started yesterday (sorry I didn't have time to make a blog entry!)

For this experiment, the students were given 8 pieces (we'll call them "sediments") of starburst candy. They applied pressure to mash them together into 'sedimentary rocks'. Then, using their hands, they applied heat, and more pressure, to turn their sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks. Finally, the metamorphic rocks were put into the microwave, and melted into starburst magma, which then cooled into the igneous starburst rocks that the students brought home today.

Students finished their pizza recipes, worked on a poetry writing task, and also had Music class.

Today was Hat's On For Mental Health day at LBS, and I completely dropped the ball and forgot to remind the class. So, this Friday, May 6, Room 4 will have our own Hat's On for Mental Health Day, so ensure we give this important day the time and attention it deserves. 

It was also Star Wars day and I forgot to remind them of that too. :(

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14