Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thursday, May 26

 Hi parents,

I am happy to say we had an excellent day today. The students did some awesome work, got barely any noise reminders, and did such a fantastic job practicing Peace Train.

We wrote the "middles" of our fairy tales today, although since the middle is usually where all the action happens, it will take at least another day to finish them up. Students worked quietly and independently for 20+ minutes and were able to write quite a bit! Students who finished the writing portion early went on to draw nice colourful pictures. It's great to see the '3 tips for success' are being followed!

We continued our exploration of 3D shapes by learning about rectangular prisms. While very similar to cubes, there are some key differences that the students were able to identify, while also pointing out the similarities (faces, vertices, edges).

As I mentioned earlier, we practiced singing Peace Train all the way through, this time with Ms. Greenhall's class, and it sounded way better than I ever expected. Other teachers who happened to be passing by even commented that it sounded like "a children's choir". So if that's how we sound after 2 practices, I can't wait to hear it in a week! 5 - 10 minutes a day seems to be the perfect amount. 

But as nice as it is that we sound good, what really makes me happy is just how excited the kids are to be singing again. They're requesting to practice multiple times a day and they seem so happy the whole time. I love the enthusiasm. 

We ended our day with Music and a Fire Drill.

I will be away tomorrow and Mrs. Jemmott will be teaching the class! I'll post next week's spelling words later tonight because there will be no blog tomorrow.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14