Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday, May 20

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! In the morning we had our spelling quiz, which did turn out to be quite difficult, but I think it went well overall considering how hard the words were.

We did a writing activity / lesson on "Sky, Grass, and Ground" letters, as I have noticed a lot of students aren't printing some of their letters properly. This is especially common with 'ground letters', which are supposed to hang below the line. I often see 'p' and 'g' written fully above the line. Usually this isn't really a big issue, but we are going to start learning cursive soon, and it seems like a good idea to review proper printing first.

The students brainstormed examples of words that featured all three types of letters. Then, they challenged themselves to find the longest word that involves only 'grass letters' - the longest ones we came up with were "unicorns" and "memories". Can you find a grass letter word with more than 8 letters?

We learned about polygons and quadrilaterals. The students did worksheets to show their understanding of each.

We did Daily LA and Gym, and read another chapter of Droon.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a great long weekend!


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Thursday, February 6

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the students reviewed the many shape terms we've learned over the past few ...