Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday, April 12

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning, the students showed a lot of persistence and resilience as they worked on their fictional 'day at the zoo' schedules. For this activity, the students wrote out a tentative day plan, that laid out which exhibits the students would want to visit, how long they would spend at each one, and what other things they may need to make time for (lunch, breaks, etc.) 

We also had a long morning work period, as many students were unable to finish their work from our busy day yesterday.

Mrs. Fernandez read the class the book, "The Lion's Share", which was about a bunch of animals at a birthday party that had to figure out how to divide a cake up evenly. The class worked at various Fraction Centres after that, using Montessori materials, and playing fraction-themed versions of popular games like Uno, Bingo, and Roll and Cover (which is only a 'popular game' by school standards, where the bar is notably lower).

In the afternoon, Mrs. Fernandez helped the students to edit their haiku poetry from last week. Then, the kids made water colour paintings to accompany their poetry. We'll finish this up tomorrow and then I'll post some on the blog!

The Zoo Field Trip Forms were sent home TODAY! 

Please sign and return them as soon as you can, as the field trip is just a week away! 

Please email me if your child did not bring home a form today - I found one on the floor after school so I know at least one person dropped theirs. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to join us at the zoo as well. We have hit our volunteer quota now, but please still contact the office if you'd like to get your volunteer clearance for next time.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14