Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday, April 22

 Hi parents,

Happy Earth Day!

We had a great day today, one of our best in a while! And we were able to celebrate Earth Day in the best way possible - by going outside and building snow structures. The students worked together to make snow forts, snow people, and giant snowballs. They had a blast, all while using only natural materials. Afterwards, we talked about how great our planet is, and how nature is pretty underrated. 

The students have almost all completed their haiku poetry, and Mrs. Fernandez has created a beautiful display to showcase their hard work! Check it out!

Today's Spelling Quiz was pretty good. The students had a lot less corrections to make in general, in spite of having had less time to practice, so I think that suggests they are getting better at choosing lists that are the right difficulty level for them, and are also getting better at practicing more effectively. 

We did some writing about the ways in which we can help the earth, at home, at school, and outside. The class showed real perseverance and I feel like our numerous talks about 'trying your best' may have finally paid off.

We will be starting Gymnastics on Monday, so please help your child to dress appropriately! Please see the previous post for more information. Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14