Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday, April 1

 Happy April Fools Day!

We had a fun day full of pranks, jokes, and general deception. Mostly at the expense of the students unfortunately, as I'm pretty sure this was many of their first April Fools days at school.

In the morning, we had Music, wrote the spelling quizzes, and finished up our Giving Tree Artwork. Here are a few examples of how they turned out! I wish I could post them all but unfortunately some are still drying.

The students wrote April Fools-themed journal responses, where they had the choice to write about something that makes them laugh, a good prank they'd previously pulled, or the best joke they've ever heard.

In Math, the students were challenged to solve some very difficult - some may even say "impossible" - math problems, such as:

0 x ___ = 5

9 / 0 = ___

While these problems were intended to mostly be April Fools jokes, we ended up having some interesting class discussions about why they are impossible to solve, and I think the students acquired a stronger understanding of multiplication and division as a result.

Have a nice weekend!


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