Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday, March 7

 Hi parents,

We had a great Monday today!

It was "Montessori Monday", round two, which means we had no screen time at all and spend extra time working with Montessori materials. 

Last week, our focus was on taking care of the places in which we learn and live. We addressed that topic explicitly on Monday and then revisited it throughout the week. With the exception of one day, the classroom has looked noticeably more organized and well-cared for.

This week, our focus is on Grace & Courtesy, which is a broad and important aspect of the Montessori philosophy that addresses how students should interact with others, and carry themselves in general. It emphasizes being kind, calm, thoughtful, and compassionate. This week we are especially focusing on social skills. We talked about shaking hands, saying hello and goodbye, and treating each other as equals. Later in the week we'll talk about how to hold a conversation by asking questions, listening attentively, and making comments.

Aside from Montessori Monday, it was a pretty typical day. The students worked on their journal writing, practiced spelling, and did math work that challenged them to place numbers appropriately on a blank number line. 

We also got to visit the Scholastic Book Fair, and the students created 'wish lists'. It was reminiscent of our Shopping Spree project! I hope I am not accidentally creating a class of shopaholics. At least they will be good at decimal addition. 

We read another chapter of Droon at the end of the day.

Ms. Brown has put together a video for Student Led Conferences that talks about all the awesome work she's done with the students over the past few months - check it out below!

Grade 2/3 Health & Phys. Ed with Ms. Brown

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14