Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday, March 28

 Hi parents,

We had a great first day back after what was clearly a wonderful Spring Break. :)

We spent time talking about our breaks and getting back into the routine of things, and the students got reacquainted with an old friend -THE CARPET!!!

I am incredibly happy that we are once again able to gather on the carpet and have soft surfaces in the classroom. The room feels more welcoming than it has for the last 2 years.

The students wrote 'Spring Break Story Maps', in which they connected short paragraphs about their breaks with arrows and illustrations. 

Mrs. Fernandez led the class through a lesson on counting syllables, in preparation for our upcoming unit on Haiku poetry. The students made graphs to sort their classmates names by syllables.

We are so happy announce that we're in the process of planning our first field trip of the year! This message was sent out a few minutes ago:

Hello families,


We are excited to announce rooms 2,3, 4 and 5 are organizing a field trip to the Calgary Zoo for the tentative date of April 20th, 2022. This field trip will require 4-5 parent-volunteers for each class. If you are able to volunteer with our class for this day please ensure you have an up to date police check on file with our school. To initiate this process please contact our office for further information. If you are up to date with this and would like to volunteer please email myself at


More information to come,


Melissa Greenhall 

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14