Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday, March 4

 Hi parents,

We had a much better day today!

Today we did the spelling quiz a big differently. Each student was given a sheet to write their words on, with only enough space for the list they'd practiced. I marked each quiz and gave them back so they could do corrections, by writing each incorrect word three times. I'm hoping that having this 'consequence' will help the class be a bit more diligent about practicing words throughout the week, while also helping draw attention to words that are a bit more challenging. 

We did two rounds of Daily LA today, and the rest of our time was spent with Guest Reader, Body Break, and math work time. I am so relieved that today, they really pulled through and delivered the quality of work I know they're capable of. The Shopping Spree problem is basically finished! We may put some finishing touches on it on Monday but it's looking a lot better. I hope the experience of having to edit, and even restart the project from scratch has helped the students build perseverance and to learn from their mistakes.


Our Book Fair has started. The link below is active.  


We are pleased to be hosting a hybrid (In-School and Virtual) Scholastic Book Fair from Friday, March 4, 2022 until Friday, March 11, 2022.  


Each class will get an opportunity to visit the Book Fair on Monday, March 7th or Tuesday, March 8th. 


Your child will receive a Book Fair Wish List that they can fill in while visiting the book fair. This form will be sent home for you to view, if you would like to purchase anything from your child’s wish list you can choose to use the virtual book fair link (below) or initial next to the item you would like to purchase and send in exact cash in an attached envelope or baggy. Please note, that in-school purchases already include GST.  


Cash orders need to be sent in by Thursday, March 10th 

Online orders will be shipped to the school and sent home with your child when they arrive.  

Virtual Book Fair Link:

Other Upcoming Dates:

March 10-11: Virtual Student-led Conferences

March 15: Picture Day

March 17: St. Patrick's Day

Have a splendid weekend,



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Pajama Day - March 14