Friday, February 4, 2022

Friday, February 4

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today that was mostly consumed by a multi-step Art / Social Studies project.

For this project, the students first watched a video about the Northern Lights, then used chalk pastels to depict them on black cardstock. Then, they worked in partners to review our social studies text book and select key words that connect to our study of Iqaluit. They wrote the words on igloo bricks, and then glued the bricks on to the cardstock to create a word-igloo on a beautiful aurora backdrop. They turned out pretty well! I will upload a picture once they are all completed and on display.

We also had Gym, work period, and the spelling quiz.


Valentines Info:

Sadly once again we are not allowed to do Valentines exchanges because of CBE policies around not sharing and eating things at school. We'll still have a Valentines celebration on Monday, February 14, and it will still be fun.

Upcoming Dates:

"Funky Feet Day / 90's Thursday" -Feb 10th  (Dress like it's 1995 and wear crazy socks!)

"Beach Day-Feb 24th" (More info to come)

Inside Out Day- March 10th (more info to come)

Have a nice weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14