Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday, February 25

 Happy 100th Day of School!

We had a pretty good day today and did some 100 themed activities. It was a nice way to wrap up our week of special days.

First, the students worked on a challenging math problem, in which they were asked to spend 100 imaginary dollars on a variety of items from a made up flyer. We talked about keeping a 'running total', and other effective strategies that make it easy to add up many different quantities without losing track. Finding benchmark numbers is another great approach. We also talked about how a problem like this could be approached by subtracting from 100, or by adding up until you reach 100. 

The students wrote paragraphs about what they think their life will be like at age 100. 

We also had our spelling quiz, and read another chapter of Droon.

We were discussing whether "Ninns" (big red tough guys from Droon) make good guards. They're big and scary, but not very smart - which quality is more important?

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a great weekend!


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