Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday, November 3

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today although the class was sillier than usual.

The morning was actually exceptionally good. We started by brainstorming examples of 'symbols' in our world - for example, a Christmas Tree, a Jackolantern, the Canada Flag, an Easter Egg, a Snowman.... all of these things represent larger ideas and concepts. We rewatched the Remembrance Day video from yesterday, this time focusing on the many 'symbols' within it. The students talked about what they felt each aspect of the video represented.

The class understood that the video told a story of peace, war, and soldiers. The animals huddling underneath the soldier's helmet represented the ways that soldiers fight to protect loved ones back home. There were many other symbols too - I encourage everyone to watch the video one more time with your child, and see what they can tell you about it!

The students wrote about symbolism in their journals.
In the afternoon, we did some Quiet Reading / Read w/ Teacher time, and then worked in Literacy Groups. The afternoon was when most of the silliness transpired. 

We ended our day by looking at another animal's ear - can you guess which one?

Tomorrow is Moustache Day! And I am still not entirely sure what that entails, but I've told students they are welcome to use facepaint to draw moustaches, or make them out of paper, if for whatever reason they are unable to grow a real one.
We'll be talking about 'Movember' and how it's goal is similar to Terry Fox's, and other ways that we can take simple steps to bring about positive change in the world.

Have a nice night,


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