Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday, November 29

 Hi parents,

It's good to be back at school! I hope you enjoyed looking through your child's work. It was great to talk at conferences. If you have not sent back your child's workbooks yet, please do so tomorrow! There are 5 Class Dojo points on the line.

In the morning, we looked at various art pieces by Norval Morrisseau, and make observations about the common themes that occurred in all of them. We noticed that Norval Morrisseau's artwork almost always includes bright colours, dark outlines, big eyes, and abstract / unrealistic shapes and colours. We practiced sketching a few animals in Morrisseau's style, just to get the feel for it. Tomorrow, the class will be doing rough sketches for their own Morrisseau-inspired artwork - it's going to be really cool.

The students also wrote in their journals, practiced spelling words, and did Morning Math.

We visited the library to exchange books.

In the afternoon, we had Daily 5, Gym, and Music.

It was a pretty typical Monday!

Have a nice evening,


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