Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday, November 22

 Hi parents,

It was a pretty typical Monday for Room 4. We practiced and discussed our new spelling words, went to the library, worked on addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems, and the students wrote in their journals.

There were two writing challenges within journal writing today - first, to include a 'simile', and second, to include a question for me.

We worked on Daily 5 in the afternoon, went to Music, and spent some time enjoying the wonderful weather outside.

Conferences are this Thursday and Friday - if you have not booked a time yet, please do, and if you're having any trouble just send me an email. 

I will be sending home student workbooks in fancy envelopes at the end of the week, so that you can get a better idea of what we've been working on this year, and how your child has grown! I know that the students are really excited to share their work with you too. Please send the workbooks and envelope back to school after Conferences!


Time to Shop!

Dear families,

It’s here! Our school’s Scholastic Virtual Book Fair has begun! Our very own shopping site will be open from Monday, November 22nd – Sunday, November 28th

Experience the joy of a Book Fair online by joining us at our Virtual Family Event! Make your favourite snacks, and come together as a family to view the fun, exciting and inspiring titles by clicking the link below:

Share this link with Grandparents, too! Extended family can participate in the Virtual Book Fair from the comfort of home.

Remember, all purchases benefit our school and earn Rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our school’s classrooms and library.

Thank you for participating in our

Scholastic Virtual Book Fair!

Happy reading! 

 Have a nice night,


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