Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tuesday, October 5

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today. In the morning, we watched an episode of Molly of Denali called "Culture Clash" in which Molly and her friends learned the meaning of the word 'culture' and disproved some inaccurate stereotypes about their Alaskan community. For example, they don't live in igloos, and virtually never encounter polar bears.

The episode also addressed inaccurate stereotypes about Texas, which sparked some great discussions in our classroom because I think many of those are also frequently applied to Alberta. The class thought it was quite funny that some people may think everyone in Calgary is a cowboy.

We finally got to start working on our "Interactive Bat Book" project! Over the next couple of weeks, the students will be learning all about bats, and creating their own bat books literally packed with information about bats. Today's activity was pretty simple - we brainstormed words that described bats and started with B, A, T,  and S. The students glued their words onto the wing of their bat book (pictures below)

The class chose between 3 'batty' writing prompts:

-Write about a time you were upside-down

-Write about a time you were out at night

-Write about a time someone was afraid of you

I had a lot of fun reading the responses, and I think the prompts could be pretty good ice-breakers at a party too.

In the afternoon, we had Gym, Daily 5, Recess, and Music.

I sent home some flyers for Scholastic book orders. Please do not feel obligated to order anything, but if you do, please include our Class Code (RC157953), so we can earn some 'bonus points' for our classroom library.

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14